back in December I was playing around with my Drum Carder carding up some Superfine White Merino and blending it with some Cinnabar Merino for my new carded batts of "My Hearts Delight". I thought this would make some great Valentines Yarn. Anyway's after I had card this up an Idea popped into my head for Saint Patricks Day.
So I began carding up some Superfine White Merino and blending it with some Kelly Green Merino. I came up with this carded batt "Irish Spring Delight".
I continued carding up more batts (5 batts originally), to spin on my drop spindle. Then I came up with another idea about carding up some more to add to my Esty store and my website. I was just having too much fun with this carding!
Finally though, I stopped carding and listed a couple of the batts on Esty and my website. Then I started in spinning on my drop spindle with one of the batts. So far I have spun up 1 1/2 batts on my drop spindle and this is what the yarn looks like so far.
I like how its turning out so far, with some of the green spinning up dark, some medium, some light and some striping with the superfine white merino, and then a little solid superfine white merino.
This will make a great knitting project once I'm finished spinning it all up. I haven't decided as to what the project might or will be yet. I'm still in the thinking process right now. However, I am thinking Saint Patricks so maybe......something like socks, scarves, handwarmers, purse, or a hat. Just some thoughts though!
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