This is my fourth skein from Somemore's Fleece. I talked about this skein in my last blog post. I took this picture today on my bed since taking the picture outside is definitely out. Its too overcast outside and threatening to pour any minute. This skein has 405 yards, 2 7/8 ounces, 80 grams, 17 wpi. To date this skein is the my largest skein.

This picture is of my first project from Somemore's Fleece. I am using my first spun skein from Somemore's Fleece to knit this Scarf. The pattern I chose is the {Ostrich Plumes Scarf by Tony Sutton}. I call my scarf "Somemore's Ostrich Plumes Scarf". I have to give Somemore the credit for this scarf. LOL

Ti says, "that's a lot of Batts in that bucket mom". I don't know exactly what the size of this bucket is but its holding 25 batts that I have carded so far from Somemore's fleece. This doesn't count the batts that I have spun up in the 4 skeins, I've spun so far. I have more fleece that I washed today that I'll card up tomorrow. This doesn't count the fleece that I still have left in my bag to wash (which is a little less the half a bag). I did spin up 3 batts today so I'm down to only having 22 batts in this bucket.
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