Friday I normally would have carded up the last bit of my fleece, spun up more batts, and wove on my latest scarf. However, because my hubby was having surgery to remove some skin cancer, I only did some knitting while I waited for him to come out of surgery. I brought my Ostrich Plume Scarf that I'm knitting on with me and managed to knit 4 inches in the 2 1/2 hours he was in surgery.
Yesterday I would have carded up the fleece too but didn't get around to it since I was taking care of my hubby and waiting to hear news from my Step-son and his Wife on my step-granddaughter. She is in a coma in ICU;..............Today, they will be taking her off the ventilator and extubating her. We pray that she will slowly come out of the coma and breath on her own. She's only 19 yrs old and hasn't lived much of her life yet. She is a wonderful, talented young lady.
I don't know when I'll get back to my knitting, carding and spinning, as it just seems so selfish of me right now to even think about doing these things.........................I am praying for a miracle for her to get better and come back to all of us. Too many things happening right now that my head is swimming.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
All washed up

The next 3 pictures are of all the fleece I have carded into batts. Now I get to have even more fun spinning up these batts. I soon will have my 6th skein spun up.

Australian Bond,
Gleason's Fine Woolies,
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Two Buckets Full now
Well, I did it;...........I filled up the second bucket up with carded fleece. I did get to wash up some more fleece lockes today since we got back early from hubby's Dr's appointment. I might come close to my goal of having it all washed up by this Thursday but I might go into Saturday and Sunday (since Friday my hubby has surgery to remove some skin cancer). I am going to have to empty out a large bucket I was using for storing books to put the rest of the carded fleece.
I only spun up 1 batt today though, but hopefully tomorrow I'll get to spin more, besides wash up more fleece and card more fleece. I'm still enjoying washing my fleece, carding it and spinning it. I'm even looking forward to possibly (in the future) ordering more fleece. I never thought that this process would be so much fun but, in my oppinion it is loads of fun.
I only spun up 1 batt today though, but hopefully tomorrow I'll get to spin more, besides wash up more fleece and card more fleece. I'm still enjoying washing my fleece, carding it and spinning it. I'm even looking forward to possibly (in the future) ordering more fleece. I never thought that this process would be so much fun but, in my oppinion it is loads of fun.
Australian Bond,
Gleason's Fine Woolies,
Monday, June 20, 2011
Filling up new Bucket
Today I carded up all 30 pieces of fleece, that I washed yesterday, your not going to believe this but, the bucket is almost filled already. I told you yesterday that it's not as big as my other bucket. Once I had all the fleece carded up, I then went and washed up more fleece, so that it could dry overnight. I don't know if I'll get to wash more fleece tomorrow or not as I have to go with my husband to Worcester for his doctor's appointment, it will really depend on how long his appointment is and what time we get home. However, if I can't wash more fleece tomorrow at least I'll get today's fleece carded and maybe even some of the batts spun up.
I don't know how many batts, I spun today but, I did fill up 1 bobbin and then started filling up the second bobbin. I'm thinking about filling up a third batt this time and then plying up the 3 singles to make a nice 3 ply sock yarn. My second project from this wool will be a pair of socks. I need to finish up my first project before I start on my second project. I know that filling up a third bobbin will give me time to do that though.
I don't know how many batts, I spun today but, I did fill up 1 bobbin and then started filling up the second bobbin. I'm thinking about filling up a third batt this time and then plying up the 3 singles to make a nice 3 ply sock yarn. My second project from this wool will be a pair of socks. I need to finish up my first project before I start on my second project. I know that filling up a third bobbin will give me time to do that though.
Australian Bond,
Gleason's Fine Woolies,
Sunday, June 19, 2011
New Bucket to hold more batts
I bought a new bucket, so that I can store more carded batts. When I bought it I thought it was the same size at the bucket that's full of batts already. However, when I got it home I found that its not as tall, nor as wide. Oh well, it will still work to hold batts! I also bought another rack to be able to wash more fleece and lay them out to dry.
I washed up 30 pieces of fleece and laid them on my 2 racks to dry and then went upstairs and spun up the other 1/2 of the batt that I didn't finish yesterday. That's about all the spinning I did today though, since I did get started until late. Tomorrow I hope to spin more and card up all the batts I washed today.
I washed up 30 pieces of fleece and laid them on my 2 racks to dry and then went upstairs and spun up the other 1/2 of the batt that I didn't finish yesterday. That's about all the spinning I did today though, since I did get started until late. Tomorrow I hope to spin more and card up all the batts I washed today.
Australian Bond,
Gleason's Fine Woolies,
Saturday, June 18, 2011
My Bucket Overfloweth

I sat down and spun up 1 1/2 batts from the 37 batts in this bucket today, so now there's only 35 1/2 batts. I really need to pull out another bucket this size and start filling it up now. I really love how this fleece spins up like butter. It's really very soft and fluffy as batts and the yarn is soft and squishy as well. It knits up really soft too.
Australian Bond,
Gleason's Fine Woolies,
Skein #5

Brown/Beige Australian Bond
(sheep's name "Somemore")
418.5 yards
3 ounces
86 grams
17 wpi
This picture was taken in my Japanese Maple tree.
Australian Bond,
Gleason's Fine Woolies,
Friday, June 17, 2011
Skein #5/Ostrich Plumes Scarf
Well, I finally plied up skein #5 today, washed it and hung it to dry. I also washed up somemore fleece again today and carded up yesterday's washed fleece. I need to buy another big bucket to put my carded fleece in, as its now starting to overflow with carded fleece. I am spinning as fast as I can, but life has had a way of interrupting my spinning time. LOL My bag of Somemore's fleece is getting low, but I still have plenty to wash, card and spin.
When my fleece arrived last month on May 23rd, I told my hubby I wanted to try and have my fleece all washed and carded by June 23rd. Now that today is June 17th, I am beginning to think I won't make my goal (not from the lack of trying). There have been a few days where I couldn't wash any fleece, since I was out with my hubby for his doctor's appointments. I am very close though to having it all washed and carded. I have about 1/4 of a bag of fleece left to wash.
My Ostrich Plumes Scarf is getting longer, I've been bringing it with me to knit on while hubby is at his doctor's appointments. I've knitted 22 inches so far on my scarf and I've only used about 1/4 of my skein of yarn.
When my fleece arrived last month on May 23rd, I told my hubby I wanted to try and have my fleece all washed and carded by June 23rd. Now that today is June 17th, I am beginning to think I won't make my goal (not from the lack of trying). There have been a few days where I couldn't wash any fleece, since I was out with my hubby for his doctor's appointments. I am very close though to having it all washed and carded. I have about 1/4 of a bag of fleece left to wash.
My Ostrich Plumes Scarf is getting longer, I've been bringing it with me to knit on while hubby is at his doctor's appointments. I've knitted 22 inches so far on my scarf and I've only used about 1/4 of my skein of yarn.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
My Fourth skein, etc.

Ti says, "that's a lot of Batts in that bucket mom". I don't know exactly what the size of this bucket is but its holding 25 batts that I have carded so far from Somemore's fleece. This doesn't count the batts that I have spun up in the 4 skeins, I've spun so far. I have more fleece that I washed today that I'll card up tomorrow. This doesn't count the fleece that I still have left in my bag to wash (which is a little less the half a bag). I did spin up 3 batts today so I'm down to only having 22 batts in this bucket.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
All dry and ready for a label
Well, I rewound skein number 4 today and I couldn't believe my eyes;..........this skein actually weights a little more then my other 3 skeins and has more yardage to boot.
405 yards
2 7/8 oz
80 grams
17 wpi
I am very pleased with this yardage as I have never came close to this before with any of the skeins that I've spun over the years. I've had 300 and up but not 405 yards. My bobbin was so full that there was know way of getting any more yarn on it. I was trying very hard to get as much on my bobbin without it spilling over and getting tangled on oriface; and I did it. LOL
I didn't get to take a picture of this skein today as its raining very hard out and when I use a flash it washes out my picture. So since I have taken several pictures already of my yarn in the past, I figured that you didn't need to see what it looked like again. However, once the weather turns nice again I'll take a picture of it and post if everyone wants to see it anyway's.
I'm still knitting on my {Ostrich Plumes Scarf} and this morning I measured what I have knitted and I now have 9 1/4 inches knitted. I pretty much have this pattern down in my head now and really only need my notes to check on when I reach row 20. This is so that I can keep track of where to offset the second half of the pattern.
405 yards
2 7/8 oz
80 grams
17 wpi
I am very pleased with this yardage as I have never came close to this before with any of the skeins that I've spun over the years. I've had 300 and up but not 405 yards. My bobbin was so full that there was know way of getting any more yarn on it. I was trying very hard to get as much on my bobbin without it spilling over and getting tangled on oriface; and I did it. LOL
I didn't get to take a picture of this skein today as its raining very hard out and when I use a flash it washes out my picture. So since I have taken several pictures already of my yarn in the past, I figured that you didn't need to see what it looked like again. However, once the weather turns nice again I'll take a picture of it and post if everyone wants to see it anyway's.
I'm still knitting on my {Ostrich Plumes Scarf} and this morning I measured what I have knitted and I now have 9 1/4 inches knitted. I pretty much have this pattern down in my head now and really only need my notes to check on when I reach row 20. This is so that I can keep track of where to offset the second half of the pattern.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Skein #4 is done and now drying
I finished plying up skein #4 today, then washed it and hung it to dry. I washed more fleece again today and carded up yesterday's washed fleece. My bucket is filled with carded batts and is now starting to spill over the sides of the bucket (the bucket isn't very big). The bucket hold 6 carded batts without spilling over and I think I have 7 maybe 9 batts over and above that. I can't seem to spin fast enough to keep up. Before I start spinning tomorrow I'll card up today's washed fleece and then I'll have 6 more batts to add to that pile. LOL Plus I will wash more fleece tomorrow as well. I think I spin up 3 to 4 batts a day, sometimes 5. I'm having way too much fun with the whole process.
I've taken my first skein of yarn and started knitting up a scarf using the {Ostrich Plumes} pattern. I've knit 7 inches in 2 days. LOL
I've taken my first skein of yarn and started knitting up a scarf using the {Ostrich Plumes} pattern. I've knit 7 inches in 2 days. LOL
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Its been a while since my last post
Its been a while since my last post, but I've been so busy washing, carding and spinning, that I completely forgot to post anything.

I plied my third skein up yesterday and then washed it and hung it to dry. Today after seeing if it was completely dry, I took it outside and took this picture. Then I came back it and rewound it to figure out the yardage, etc.
380.5 yards
2 3/4 ounces
78 grams
and 17 wpi.
Then I went back to washing up more fleece, carding and spinning. I have filled up bobbin #1 again for the 4th time and have bobbin #2 almost filled, so don't be surprised if I post again soon with another skein. LOL

I plied my third skein up yesterday and then washed it and hung it to dry. Today after seeing if it was completely dry, I took it outside and took this picture. Then I came back it and rewound it to figure out the yardage, etc.
380.5 yards
2 3/4 ounces
78 grams
and 17 wpi.
Then I went back to washing up more fleece, carding and spinning. I have filled up bobbin #1 again for the 4th time and have bobbin #2 almost filled, so don't be surprised if I post again soon with another skein. LOL
Friday, June 3, 2011
My second skein
Well, here it is all washed and dried. My second skein from Somemore's fleece.
I took this picture this morning outside to show of the skein a little better. This skein weights: 2 5/8 oz
76 grams
390 yards
17 wpi
Since taking this picture I've washed up more fleece locks, carded more fleece locks and started spinning again. I almost have one bobbin filled yet again, but remember there was some left over spun singles still on it to give me a head start.

76 grams
390 yards
17 wpi
Since taking this picture I've washed up more fleece locks, carded more fleece locks and started spinning again. I almost have one bobbin filled yet again, but remember there was some left over spun singles still on it to give me a head start.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A Second Skein is now finished

Just finished filling up these 2 bobbins again for the second time. Both bobbins weight 4 5/8 oz filled, but the empty bobbins weight 2 oz. So I really only have 2 5/8 oz per bobbin.
Once I finished filling up these 2 bobbins, I then started plying up the yarn and filled up this bobbin with 2 ply lace weight yarn. Brutis my one of my shih tzu's wanted to say hi, so he sat pretty for this picture.

I washed up more fleece again today and those are drying as well.
Gleason's Fine Woolies,
Peaches n Cream,
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Spinning was a little slow today
I started carding some of my washed fleece today after Hubby and came home for his doctor appointment. I carded up 12 fleece locks and spun up 9 of them, before the thunderstorm came in. I then closed all the windows in my spinning room and turned of all the fans and came downstairs. Since nothings going on tomorrow (that I know of anyway's), I'll start washing up more fleece locks and then card and spin more wool.
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