Friday, October 29, 2010

First full bobbin of Strawberry Shortcake

Well, I finished my first bobbin of Strawberry Shortcake today. It took 6 1/2 batts to fill up this bobbin. The remaining portion of the 7th batt is in the bucket just off to the side of my spinning wheel.

Since taking this picture I've removed the bobbin and replaced it with an empty bobbin. Then I attached the single plied yarn to the leader on the empty bobbin and started in Navajo plying. I already have 1/4 of my bobbin filled with some newly Navajo plied yarn. Tomorrow I hope to finish Navajo plying my first skein.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

5 and half batts later

See I told you I couldn't wait to start spinning some Strawberry Shortcake. LOL I know its not the kind of Strawberry Shortcake you'd want to eat, but its sure lovely to spin.

I've already spun up 5 1/2 batts and would've kept on going, if I wasn't so excited about sharing with you what I've spun up so far. I still have 31 more batts left.

37 Batts 12 and three eighths oz Batts of Strawberry Short Cake

Okay, I know this really isn't Strawberry Shortcake, but that's what I decided to call these 37 Batts. I blended some Cinnabar Merino, Salmon Pink Merino and some White Falkland together on my Ashford Drum Carder back in June. I'm only just now getting spin it up.

When I finished spinning up the last batt of my Mid Summer Night Merino/Tencel and had navajo plied it, I pulled out this bucket and snapped a picture. That was this past Saturday!

Now I get to play with these wonderful batts and spin up some lovely yarn. Oh boy, I just can't wait to start spinning.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mid Summer Night Merino Tencel Navajo Plied

Finally finished my first skein of Mid Summer Night Merino/Tencel. I finished spinning up my first bobbin last Friday and then started navajo plying the singles. Saturday I finished navajo plying up my first skein and then started winding the yarn off my bobbin onto my niddy noddy. Sunday I finished winding up my first skein and then washed the skein and hung it to dry.

Today I took my skein outside and hung it from my apple tree and snaped this picture. Then I came inside and listed it on my website and also on Etsy. When I was through doing all that I went back to spinning up more Mid Summer Night Merino/Tencel.

I love how my newest and latest creation turned out. Hope you all do too!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

6 1/2 batts later

Took this picture yesterday after I finished spinning for the day. The day before I spun up only 1 batt. However, yesterday I was able to spin up 6 1/2 batts to get almost a full bobbin. I don't know how much spinning I'll get done today or if any due to some testing that I need to have done that will take up most of my morning. But I'm just loving sitting at my spinning wheel spinning up these batts and how the yarn singles are looking. Haven't decided on whether I'll navajo ply it or 2 ply it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

First batt being spun

Well, here's what the singles are looking like so far. This is just the first batt, that I've spun up so far. I have 36 more batts to spin up after this. I like the looks so far of my newest yarn. This yarn will be navajo plied too.

37 Batts 10 oz of Mid Summer Night

Back in June I was carding up some Merino wool and these 37 batts were only some that I carded. I weighted all 37 batts and they weighted 10 oz. I call this my Mid Summer Night Batts.

I only just started spinning these batts today. Its going to be interesting, as to what the yarn is going to look like.

White Alpaca Navajo Plied Yarn

In September I began spinning up this White Alpaca, using the same process I used when spinning up my Fawn Alpaca. I split my 8 oz of White Alpaca into fourths and placing each fourth into a separate bucket. Then I began spinning up each fourth until I had a full bobbin.

Then I took the full bobbin off and replaced it with an empty bobbing so that I could start the navajo plying process. When I'd have a full bobbin of newly navajo plied yarn, I'd wind it off onto my niddy noddy and make a skein, then went and washed my new skein.

I ended up with 3 skeins of Navajo Plied White Alpaca, the third and last skein being finished today. I have it drying right now, tomorrow if its fully dried I'll figure out the yardage, ounces, and grams and list it on my website as well as etsy.

Fawn Alpaca Navajo Plied Yarn

When I finished spinning up the last bit of My hearts delight and plied all three skeins, I pulled out my Fawn Alpaca to get ready to start spinning. I began by splitting the 8 oz of Fawn Alpaca in half length wise placed each half into a separate bucket. Then I took one of the halves and split it in half length wise yet again, then I went back and split the other half in half yet again. I now had 4 buckets full of Fawn Alpaca and my 8 oz was now divided into fourths.

Once I had my Fawn Alpaca divided into fourths, I then took one of the fourths and began to start the spinning process. When I finished spinning up the first bucket, I then grabbed the second bucket and started spinning. When my bobbin was full I took the full bobbin off and replace it with an empty bobbin and started navajo plying my first skein.

When I finished navajo plying, I then wound my newly navajo plied fawn alpaca off my bobbin and onto my niddy noddy. Then I took my new skein off my niddy noddy and washed it, then went back to spinning up some more fawn alpaca. I continued this until I finished all 8 oz and had 3 skeins.

I didn't get all three skeins finished in August, only 2 skeins were finished and the third one was finished in September.