Yesterday I finished threading the reed with half my warp. Then I started threading the heddles. I only got about 1/4 of the warp threaded though and then this morning finished threading up the rest. I still need to finish warping the last remaining threads before I can finish threading the reed and heddles.
However, in this picture you can see more of what the colors in the dish towels will look like. You can see the strips of White, Rust, Blue, and Green much better now. Hopefully soon you'll be able to see more then just this part of the progress.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
June 17th Cast on
Yesterday I started on a second pair of socks for the SKA Sock Down June. I'm using my own handspun olive green merino yarn. The pattern I am designing myself.
So far I've knitted 16 rows of the pattern I've made up and its looking okay so far. I'm knitting a lace pattern but I haven't come up with a name for it just yet. Maybe by the time I finish with the first sock I'll come up with a name for this pattern.
Cast on: 6/17/09
Finish: TBD
Pattern: DYO
Yarn: My Handspun Olive Merino Yarn
Needles: 2 mm DPN's
So far I've knitted 16 rows of the pattern I've made up and its looking okay so far. I'm knitting a lace pattern but I haven't come up with a name for it just yet. Maybe by the time I finish with the first sock I'll come up with a name for this pattern.
Cast on: 6/17/09
Finish: TBD
Pattern: DYO
Yarn: My Handspun Olive Merino Yarn
Needles: 2 mm DPN's
Warping the Loom
Well, I'm now starting to warp my loom for the Dish Towels that I want to weave. The part on the left of the picture is what I have threaded through the reed right now. The other half still needs to be threaded. I also still need to warp up the rest of the warp on my warping board. However, the warping process has begun.
These dish towels will be woven from a kit I bought from Halcyon Yarn Company. The colors in the Towels will be White, Rust, Blue and Green. They will be woven in a plain weave with no fancy design except for the color pattern. Each towel will have the same striping in the vertical but the horizontal pattern will change up a bit from the first towel.
I hope to have my loom warped up all the way soon with some weaving started. I'll post more pictures as I get further along on the weaving. I can't wait to start the weaving process.
These dish towels will be woven from a kit I bought from Halcyon Yarn Company. The colors in the Towels will be White, Rust, Blue and Green. They will be woven in a plain weave with no fancy design except for the color pattern. Each towel will have the same striping in the vertical but the horizontal pattern will change up a bit from the first towel.
I hope to have my loom warped up all the way soon with some weaving started. I'll post more pictures as I get further along on the weaving. I can't wait to start the weaving process.
Dish Towels,
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
June 10th finished Socks for Sockdown June
Well, I finally did it. I finished my first pair of Socks for the Sockdown June. I'm very pleased with how these socks came out. Dispite the fact that the book I took the pattern from matches another pattern to the tee. Oh well!
Now I'm off to finish warping up my loom to start weaving on some Dish Towels. Then in between weaving I'll knit on a shawl from my Handspun White Blueface Leicester Wool. Then I need to knit up a scarf, crochet a shawl, and knit up some more socks. LOL
Now I'm off to finish warping up my loom to start weaving on some Dish Towels. Then in between weaving I'll knit on a shawl from my Handspun White Blueface Leicester Wool. Then I need to knit up a scarf, crochet a shawl, and knit up some more socks. LOL
Saturday, June 6, 2009
June 5th working on foot of Sock for Sockdown June
On Thursday morning I sat down a little after 6 am and started knitting on this sock again. I stopped around 8:15 am so's I could have breakfast. Then around 9:40 am I went back to knitting and finished up the heel flap, heel turn and started on the gusset. I continued knitting until around 12:25 pm and stopped for lunch. Then after lunch around 1:55 pm I went back to knitting and when I stopped for the day, I had the gusset finished and now all I need to do is finish up the remainder of the foot and then work on the toes and bind off.
Friday I wasn't able to work on my knitting as I was running errands all day long. However, today I hope to get a little knitting time in and finish up this sock and start on the mate.
Friday I wasn't able to work on my knitting as I was running errands all day long. However, today I hope to get a little knitting time in and finish up this sock and start on the mate.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
June 4th working on leg of sock for Sockdown June
My first sock for the Sockdown June project is coming along great. This picture shows the cuff finished and and leg almost finished. I only need to knit 1 1/2 more inches on the leg and I'll be ready to start on the heel flap and heel turn.
The pattern is really looking great. I was hoping that it would work out and so far it is. This pattern is a 16 row pattern so I don't think I'll have too many repeats on the leg. I'm guessing but I think I'm only going to have 4 repeats of this pattern for the leg. I could be wrong though.
The pattern is really looking great. I was hoping that it would work out and so far it is. This pattern is a 16 row pattern so I don't think I'll have too many repeats on the leg. I'm guessing but I think I'm only going to have 4 repeats of this pattern for the leg. I could be wrong though.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
June 3rd Cast on
Yesterday I joined the Sock Knitters Anonymous Group on I saw that they had a Sockdown in June. Since I had never heard of this I thought I'd read up on it and see what all you had to do to join in. After finding out what I needed to do I set about looking through my yarn and some patterns.
I finally decided to used some of my Handspun Pink/Peach Merino and removed 2 skeins from my online store to knit up a pair of socks with. Then this morning I wound 1 skein into a ball and decided on a pattern to use and started casting on.
Cast on: June 3, 2009
Finished Date: TBD
Pattern: My own
Yarn: My Handspun Pink/Peach Merino
Needles: 2mm
I’m using a leaf lace pattern I found in a stitch dictionary for my socks. I'm hoping that it turns out well, as I'd like to do this pattern again later.
I finally decided to used some of my Handspun Pink/Peach Merino and removed 2 skeins from my online store to knit up a pair of socks with. Then this morning I wound 1 skein into a ball and decided on a pattern to use and started casting on.
Cast on: June 3, 2009
Finished Date: TBD
Pattern: My own
Yarn: My Handspun Pink/Peach Merino
Needles: 2mm
I’m using a leaf lace pattern I found in a stitch dictionary for my socks. I'm hoping that it turns out well, as I'd like to do this pattern again later.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Dumbledore Size 7 Socks
I started knitting on these cute little Toddler Socks Size 7 on May 25, 2009. Being as busy as I am knitting, weaving, crocheting and making goats milk soaps I didn't get them finished until yesterday. Normally I would have had 1 pair finished in a day and a half, if I was able to knit on them all day.
The cuff on these socks measure 1 inch, the leg measures, 3 5/8 from the cuff to the heel flap. The heel flap measures 1 3/4 inches. The foot measures 4 inches and the toes measures 1 1/4 inches. The total foot measures 5 1/4 inches. The total number of stitches needed for this pair of socks is 40 stitches.
I can usually get 2 1/2 pairs of these socks out of 1 skein (100 grams).
The cuff on these socks measure 1 inch, the leg measures, 3 5/8 from the cuff to the heel flap. The heel flap measures 1 3/4 inches. The foot measures 4 inches and the toes measures 1 1/4 inches. The total foot measures 5 1/4 inches. The total number of stitches needed for this pair of socks is 40 stitches.
I can usually get 2 1/2 pairs of these socks out of 1 skein (100 grams).
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